
I did this real quick for my portfolio.  It's from a picture of my little sister.  If you guys have any suggestions that would be sweet.


Mike Puncekar said...

Are the colors blown out at all from scanning? This is pretty intense with the neon green grass and yellow highlights in the hair. Looks like it was really adjusted weirdly.

Super great drawing, and it tells a fun story. Your one gal that can really draw with the best of them. Work always has that vintage effortless feel that all the master illustrators had. But this one's colors seem just a bit off. Although I can say it feel really gosh darn sunny, which I'm guessing you were going for, and that's pulled off really well. But the sun feels a little too close to earth here...almost heavenly.

PhiL said...

i actually enjoy the colors alot, it give it a soft focus look that I think goes well with the piece, like a flash back sequence, I thing that bothers me mostly is that cats face, something about it making it seem off to me, its small though so if its too late to fix it i wouldnt worry about it

Unknown said...

I feel like you don't really need the cat on the left. Looks cute though

Bernadette said...

i'm glad you said something about the colors or I wouldn't have noticed. Sometimes I go crazy with photoshop.

Tyler Parkinson said...

Great drawing :D the one thing that's bothering me is this line on the foreground cats back that kinda lines up with the blanket pattern. Tangents drive me crazy lol but I'm nit-picking

Alex Lyon said...

I do really like this piece a lot. The blanket may actually be my favorite part. haha.

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