Hey, I'm Sara Diesel. I figured I could give a few samples of my work since I don't have anything too recent that's ready for critiquing. Hope you guys enjoy until I can get some more work started.
Its about time I make my first post! Tillo Pin up
This here is a piece I'm currently working on! What do you guys think? Its just in a very early beginning stages. In the end, I'll be doing a digital version and a traditional version.
I'm not crazy about the curly elbows and the hands...
I'm not crazy about the curly elbows and the hands...
Porkchop says hello to you all!
Well, it's been a while since I have posted on here, but I have an excuse, which is keeping busy in NYC while interning at Jim Henson's Creature shop. It has been a lot of fun so far and is a really great work environment. Although, I can't really show anything I've been working on at the shop because of NDA contracts, I can show a personal sculpt I've been working on in my free time. It's from a design I did for a story in the fall semester of illustrative drawing. I've been wanting to sculpt him since then and finally got around to it. I have been doing a lot of research on animatronics and stop motion lately and plan on making him into a posable foam latex stop motion puppet. I am also getting pumped for a Creature Design & Sculpture class I will be taking in August with Jordu Schell, who was the lead designer on Avatar and has worked on many other films like MIB, Planet of the Apes, Aliens, and Hellboy. http://www.schellstudio.com