
Lonely Bot

This was more an exercise in practicing with the medium than the subject matter. I did a simple bot and just went at it working directly in color rather than starting B&W then washing colors overs. I made some adjustments at the end to the levels (second piece) so not sure if it is too dark now or what. First piece, is the original.I spent probably over 3 hours on it, which is long for me on a non- school related piece. But I felt like this was a personal step in the right direction. Didn't use any awesome custom brushes, just used the traditional brushes. CRITS CRITS CRITS please, I know there are things that are wrong and there are some things that are bugging me but I can't put my finger on it. Hope everyone is having a good summer-



Discover a Muse

Hey guys this is a comp for the art challenge on Jon Schindehette' blog Art Order. The top pieces will be made into products to be sold for charity. Check out the site here. I decided to paint Urania the muse of astrology, there are some fish around her because I also read that sometimes the Muses are pictured as water nymphs. Any suggestions?

There will be robot blood

So it would seem that know that I have some time on my hands, and the world is my oyster. I've finally decided to stop messing around and actually do Manga the way I should have been doing for years now.

This summer, I am planning, (hopefully if work doesn't get in the way) to right a Mini-Manga story featuring the (somewhat) popular characters of mine, Little Red and The Big Bad. I'm planning some pretty action packed stuff as it revolves around an invasion. So get ready for some killer shonen style bad-ass-ness with lots of explosions, lasers, crab bots and of course, speed lines like you wouldn't believe!

In a completely serendipitous occurrence, it would appear that the very talented artist, The Orange One, [link] Is also attempting something similar. She's got some really cool stuff and I suggest you swing over to her page to check it out and lend your support.

As I haven't put a TON of thought into this, I am making it up as I go along (i know, red flag) but the basic synopsis involves a girl with a wrench sword and a mysterious connection to a very advanced piece of Mecha called The Big Bad. She and the Mecha are often contracted by the cities officials to get them out of the more hairy situations when the Steelios invade its borders. The Steelios are an invading army with an unknown leader. What are they after? Well you'll just have to read and find out. =D

So with out further ado. Lets do this thing!

Oh yeah, I am planing on utilizing screen tones so it may be a little slow. Sorry, i know your all excited.

Here is a promo piece i did for it to warm myself up

Funny story behind this piece, it started as just a loose throw away sketch to warm up so it was done an a sorry ass piece of computer paper, the sketch however came out so nice, i just had to finish it though, lol, to bad it will never survive, its haggard already

im not sure where im going to post the pages yet but If anyone's interested let me know and ill tell you as soon as I decide

Little Dragon :D

I loved How to Train your Dragon! so this is a drawing I did of a little dragon, I'm trying to achieve a level of charming/cuteness in my characters. Since I feel that I have completely over done scary things with teeth ('''(;,,,;)''')


Dutch asparagus farmer.

This trip certainly has been inspirational! White asparagus for all when I get back.


Pirate Bear Finished

Here's some photos of my final pirate bear figure from this semester. He's about 7 ft tall with the base and was sculpted in oil clay, molded in ultracal and cast in latex and polyfoam. The fur was hand layed and punched and the weapons were molded in silicone, cast in resin and painted with acrylics. Costume was made by costume designer and CCAD graduate Marce Righthouse.(I apologize for the lengthy post, I tried to put the photos closer together, but blogger sucks and won't let me.)


Marko Typhus: Warlock Hunter

Baptiste Cobra


Book cover WIP

I don't know if this is any better, I tried to make him a bit younger. Thanks for the crits, I'll keep working on it.

I'm really sick of working on this; I thought I would post it up here to get some help.

The top and right spaces are for text and it's still going to wrap around on the left for the back cover (so no awkward arm cutoff).



Comic Book - Pg.1 and 2

Final assignments for Uko's. Let me know how the story flow works and obviously any physical crits as always. Still playing around with the rendering to see what works best for my style of work. Oh and I know perspective is off, especially in page 1, that is something I know I can do, i just have to focus on making that a priority for my work...

Thanks guys



Character Doodles

A couple rough character doodles I did this morning, I'm trying to force myself to start working faster by going straight into photoshop instead of always drawing traditionally.

The Arctic Assassin

This is my final for Groff's class this Thursday. We were all given action hero/villin names andtold to design a character around them. I can't remember for the life of me what his first name is but his last name is Lighting and his occupation is Arctic Assassin. Once I find out his first name I will probably try to make his whole name work with the title block in the corner.


Environment II WIP

Here's another environment I've got in the works at the moment.