The Catch
Remember when we posted to Oondu? Man. Those days. If anyone still frequents the site, pushing past the cobwebs, I just (almost) finished another personal piece that I am calling 'The Catch.' Feel free to level some critiques.
Japan Trip Comic
New Project

Sup sup playas- This is the first design I just finished for a friend's project. There will be a lot more concepts on the way, I probably won't post them all here, but they will definitely be on my own blog. Basically I am looking for Crits Crits Crits! You guys are always extremely helpful. This is just one of hopefully many new pieces that will make up my new portfolio so I can apply for Gnomon by next month (That's right Mr. Bolyard I'm comin after ya!" haha- well hopefully ou guys can tear it to shreds and tell me what's up
Sunny Side up
So basically, I'm not much of a painter at all, but I REALLY wanna get better at it.
Here's a piece I just did. The theme is boring, but I just wanted to do something simple where I could try some things out.
Here's a piece I just did. The theme is boring, but I just wanted to do something simple where I could try some things out.

Any hints, tip or tricks would be very much appreciated!!!!!!
Any Critique would be awesome, all you folks are super talented and I'd love to hear from ya'll!!!
Any Critique would be awesome, all you folks are super talented and I'd love to hear from ya'll!!!
Just dance
Oh hey Oondu! I haven't posted here in awhile, so I thought I might update!
I post more regularly on my blog if your interested ;P haha
I post more regularly on my blog if your interested ;P haha
Lion Rider

This is a personal peice I'm working on. I went back to drawing fully fledged lines for once instead of straight painting like I have been. I forgot how much fun it is. Anyway I wanted to make this able to be cropped 2 different ways so that it could be a smaller vertical composition but then also a landscape with a character in the foreground to be used as a wallpaper or banner.
There are few things I would like critique on.
1. Does anything in the lines look awkward to the point where it may not be fixable when painted?
2. Does the smaller vertically cropped composition hold up with most of the sword cropped out?
3. If anyone has suggestions for a location or object of interest that I could put behind this character in the background I'd love to hear them. Right now I've pretty much just lightly sketched some rolling hills and large rocks and a cave but I feel like it could use something more like maybe huge pillars with glowing runes or something.