
Marie Antoinette

This is my color comp for the Open assignment in Groffs Pro Practice class. I posted thumbs a week or so ago so I figured I would post the update. Critiques are welcome. Im still trying to figure out the type...


Kevin Havens said...

This type is already leaps and bounds better than what you showed me before. Although I'm curious why you have the text box cut off when it hits her arm. Just extend it all the way and keep the type where it is. Me personally I think I'd go for a darker red on the type, think burgundy. And maybe try a different font for ANTIONETTE. Seeing as this is a color comp I don't wanna get too into the illustration

David Hovey said...

Personally I don't like the bounding box... nothing against the box, i hope it understands. And I would definitely choose a different font, as what you have right now is sort of a civil war of fonts on the page. I would suggest you go one way or the other, either cursive and scribbly or bold and sans serif. Is it just me, or would marie's eyes looking at the viewer be kinda cool/funny? Maybe have the face mimic the very serene body language while she engages us directly? Just a thought, really...

PhiL said...

Like the type, like the color alot, but I think there are a few anatomy issues. I think the hand is a little small , the neck and clavicles seem a little bit lengthy and the head seems big, but the head might be fine if you fix the hand, sure it will turn out great. Cant wait to see it.

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