
Important Info for anyone who posts their work online

I just wanted to mention that The Orphan Works Act is still being kicked around in congress. Even despite everything going on in our country right now, Capitol Hill is still trying to screw us out of our own work. This is something I feel very strongly about and if you haven't had the chance to read up on what it is here's a link (http://capwiz.com/illustratorspartnership/issues/bills/?billid=11320236) I will let that explain everything.

But if we want to keep up this blog and have ownership over our posted work we have to get in contact with congress and the senate to make sure this DOES NOT get passed. Senators continually wait til the end of the month in hopes that congress will pass it without a second glance, and as distracted as our leaders have been recently, they have a good opportunity here. I have another link here so that you can take action now and send your congressman a message. Please take a minute and get your opinions out there. Thanks for reading



Jake Murray said...

Way to be looking out Kev. I remember Mr. Kovach really talking this issue up last year. I did some reading about it over the summer and it is definitely worth getting involved about. Anyone on here who hasn't researched this NEEDS TO NOW!

Mike Puncekar said...

It is a bit awkward, but not entirely unreasonable. The only time I could see this really going wrong is a piece of art is used in such a way that it rakes in so much money, that the artist wants to share the goods. But in reality, the artist probably never would have seen that amount. To me this is kind of awkward, but if I found myself in the situation, I'd have to admit that I would take advantage.

I have to say though, I don't exactly see the point of enacting it now, as the problem it is supposedly solving doesn't seem all that apparent.

I only worry that it would encourage companies to just go for broke with orphan works, as technically they can't lose all that much as punishment.

Why not just keep things they way they are...

Kevin Havens said...

I fixed the link. But yea, I just think this is a stupid idea and not many people would benefit from it anyways. Point is, I'll be damned if any of my work goes unlicensed. And I figured it was a relevant topic that everyone on Oondu should be well aware of.

Mike Puncekar said...

BUH, I was out of date it seems with the new bill. I wasn't entirely concerned because it used to be not so much for google and microsoft, the one's pushing for it it seems, but for libraries and museums. So ignore my previous comment. I see now that this is really about damaging copyright law and instead of streamlining it further, making it more complicated.

So unnecessary...

Alex Lyon said...

Well with the off chance that something like this bill were to be passed We need to all be aware of it. The first thing I would do is take everything down off the web... if anyone stumbles on to any updates on this situation post them pronto.

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