
more mollusk

Here is the final for my typography project. The assignment was to make an image turn into a word so thats why all the letters are not there. It got an A so you guys should be able to read it this time.


Anonymous said...

turned out pretty nice, Bernadette, the colors are definitely my favorite and i think the word "suction" is a lot better than "mollusk."

maybe the value could be a little darker around the head to bring out those highlights you have on the tentacles; nice little details in the skin texture tho :P

Jake 'N Bing said...

I still say it says oction :p

Alex Lyon said...

wiat, so the "S" is made up of all the little suctions, then starting with the "U" the letters are made by the little areas inside teh suctions. Right? lol either way i really like it. Looks good.

PhiL said...

ha, i thought it was oction too, lol, nice job

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