Hey everyone! I know that you are all pretty busy with school stuff but here is something I thought some of the Oondu family might be interested in. It's a fun sorta contest that shouldn't take too much time and you can win some good money! It is being held on a platform called Jovoto that hosts a lot of contests for random illustration and graphic/packaging design. Best part is if you place in like the top 12 ish for most contests you get some sort of cash prize (stated in each brief). I have done a few and the money is nice. So check it out.
.....Everyone needs a super hero! Lieferheld.de (translated “Delivery-Hero”) is such - he will go through fire and storm to deliver your lunch where ever you are - well, at the moment he’s busy protecting peoples’ empty stomachs in Berlin but he will soon come to your town as well! To rescue all creatures that are in need of nourishment at a moment’s notice, he needs real superpowers - and they have to show (hasn’t had the time to worry about his appearance yet)! So if you choose to accept, create a hero that will be feared and loved by many!
You are completely free to choose how you want to present your ‘delivery hero’: From pure sketches and illustrations to a complete video-story - everything goes as long as it gives a clear impression of who your ‘delivery hero’ is.
Up to 5,000 in cash prizes as well as a licensing fee of up to 3,000!
Come and sign up to participate here: Lieferheld
Then have a look at the video briefing-
jovoto Video Brief - Create Your HERO from jovoto on Vimeo.
and to read more about what else is involved with creating a hero: Lieferheld Briefing.