Looks like Jon was the copycat all along. Bummer for him, ha. In this case, copyright proof from the other almost ten designers he took from called his bluff. Pretty funky stuff!
Okay, let me explain this first. This designer, Jon Engle, is saying that he was stolen from, and the pirates of his artwork sold his stuff to a stock illustration site. Then the site turned around and charged him for using the stock. He refused to pay for his own work, and they started using dirty tactics. The lawyers against him contacted the companies that he worked for and told them that he was in a lawsuit over plagiarized artwork and his clients were then admittedly cold fish on working with him. From his point of veiw, this is a royal screw over. To have to pay for your own work, and then lose clients because of your own integrity? BS.
Now, the site is down because it is really, really hot news right now. But when you read what he has to say, it paints a really bleak picture of the copyright industry. Scary stuff.
Initially I only posted the first link. The link directly to his site. When I started to read into it, however, I found a few sites that may discredit our poor, poor designer Jon. So I posted three of the most important sites relevant to the issue. Whether Jon is innocent or not, and time will tell, this begs the question, could such a situation arise? The answer is yes, and the future is scary. This is a very interesting situation that we as disillistrators might want to pay attention to.